Let the good guys win

We have a book in our house about Strawberry Shortcake called "The Sweet Treats Carnival". In the book, Strawberry and her friends (Ginger, Huck, Angel Cake, Blueberry Muffin, Rainbow Sherbet, and Orange Blossom) hold a carnival of games with each winner of the games getting a yummy sweet treat as a prize. Throughout the story all of Strawberry's friends win at least one game except for Blueberry, who becomes very sad (and almost bitter) in the end because she hasn't won anything. Of course, Strawberry and her friends surround her with love and share their prizes with her and everything ends happily.

I read this book to my daughter Reynolds last night (at least for the 30th time) and she really seemed concerned about Blueberry. Why wasn't she winning anything? Well, this morning, Reynolds grabbed the book and began reading to our son Deacon, who can't understand a word she was saying but was still interested because it is a scratch-n-sniff book. It didn't take long for me to realize that Reynolds was altering the storyline quite a bit. In her version Blueberry won every game and got all of the goodies for herself. Reynolds just couldn't stand it that someone was left out and she used her own poetic license to change the outcome of the story.

I love the innocence with which my daughter approaches life, even with fictional characters in her books. I wish that I would champion the underdog like she does. She always wants people to be happy and have equal outcomes (no, she's OCD...at least I don't think she is). It's those traits that she possesses that remind me to fashion my life more after the life of Jesus that I currently do. He was and still is the champion of the underdog, even if you're name is Blueberry and all you missed out on was some tooth-wrecking candy.

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