The Journey

I just started reading "Why We're Not Emergent (By Two Guys Who Should Be)" by Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck. Even though I've only read a few chapters, this book has truly opened up my thinking and answered tons of questions on exactly what the emergent movement is and what it's all about.

DeYoung and Kluck aren't setting out to slam or embarrass anybody, but they have done their homework. They have waded through thousands of pages of literature from those who are considered leaders in the emergent movement and in doing so they categorically list several areas that I find troubling.

One of the initial assessments they make is that, for those in the emergent movement, their spiritual journey becomes more important than the destination itself. In other words, it's not so important that you "find" God but rather that you keep looking. That may sound okay to some, but it's rooted in the belief that you really can't know God with certainty and therefore everything religious is open to discussion and questioning. No one really has the answer.

Christians are often labeled as arrogant for believing that their way is the only way. Even when we quote Jesus from John 14:6 when He says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by Me" we are usually looked upon with suspicion and labeled as intolerant.

But can't we know for certain the Lord that we serve? I mean, we can never know everything about God but we can truly know God. Is it really arrogant to believe in the truth that God has revealed to us in His word?

The spiritual journey of a Christian is undertaken so that we can arrive at a destination. Our ultimate destination is eternity with God, but our immediate destination is reached when we enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ. From there, we start the process of sanctification, that is, living a life that is in line with God's desires. But the journey itself really isn't the point. It's Who we meet at the end of our travels.

If I believe that the journey is what's most important then I must admit that I really can't know God. And we know that's not true. Many who are falling in line with this kind of teaching do so in a rather innocent way. They are tired of the "same old same old" with church and are looking for newer and more exciting ways to express their faith. There is nothing wrong with wanting more out of our church experiences, but we must all exercise caution with the theology and teachings that are coming out of these newer church movements.

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