Our reason for being

I love Facebook. I check my account multiple times daily and it's been so cool to reconnect with so many old friends that I haven't seen nor heard from in years.

One unique aspect to Facebook is that you can put your status at the top of your page for everyone to see. For instance, you might read "John is studying for exams" or "Beth is being driven crazy by her kids." And you can comment on someone's status to offer them encouragement or to just give them a hard time.

Checking the status of my friends on Facebook is a lot of fun for me, but it can also be a little depressing. Everyone has bad days, but so many people appear to live such dreary, purposeless lives. I know that's a lot to infer from someone's status update, but when it becomes a trend it raises concern.

Why are we here? Do we exist just to procreate, work, and then die? Should we settle on boring, mundane jobs or lives that give us little hope or excitement? No, we shouldn't, and life wasn't created to be this way.

The Bible is a book of hope, opening up doors to understanding and a relationship with God that shatters anything in the norm. Jesus spoke very clearly when He explained what life was all about in John 10:10, "I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance." He speaks this words in contrast to the life one can live that is empty and leads to destruction.

Who are the "they" that Jesus speaks of? "They" are those who trust in Him for salvation. The purpose that Jesus brings to one's life in utterly indescribable. And what is life "in abundance?" This is a life that is full of purpose and meaning. It doesn't mean that placing faith in Christ will make all of your worries disappear or that you will no longer face problems or hardships. But it does mean that regardless of what your life brings you, you can engage it with purpose and confidence knowing that God can work good and hope out of any situation.

My worldview is based upon the hope of Christ. Not everything I encounter daily is good, but my perspective is shaped not by how I see things but how God sees things. He created life for a purpose and there is not one person on the face of this earth whose existence is meaningless. If you are sitting there frustrated with your circumstances or unconvinced of life's worth, then stop sitting and do something about it. Embrace the purpose and hope that only Christ can bring and fully experience this abundant life for yourself.

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