The pressure schedule

I'm not sure that I will ever be able to have a set schedule in my life. Kellie and I both try to set agendas for what we want to accomplish during the day, but by mid-morning much of it is usually shot. Let me give you an example.

This morning at 4:15 a.m. our youngest daughter Emme decided to wake up. This wasn't your typical wake up, get a sip of juice, go back to sleep wake up. This was more like "I'm having a party in my crib and want you to join me" wake up. By 5:00 I could see that sleep was not going to happen so I got her up and took her to the grocery store with me. That was on our list to do today so at least we got that done.

Kellie had a womens' Bible study that was starting this morning and they offer excellent childcare for our two youngest. That's good for me because I need to finish my Bible study for the students tonight since much of yesterday was spent at the oral surgeon's office with our oldest daughter Chandler (she's okay, just needs a minor procedure done). As the time is nearing for Kellie to load up Emme and Deacon in the van to leave for her womens' study, Emme hits that wall. She is exhausted and laying face down on the hard wood floor. She isn't going anywhere.

Now we have another problem altogether. We all need fellowship and Kellie really enjoys this Bible study, but she can't take Emme now. But it's all good! As I type these words she is on her way to the Bible study with just Deacon in tow and my goal is to study at home until Emme wakes up (Lord, please let her sleep for awhile!).

As you read these words, please don't think to yourself that I'm a big whiner. Also understand that my wife and kids come before everything else other than my relationship with Christ. Kellie would make, and has made, the same decisions for me so that I can have time away that I need. My point is that when schedules get shelved on such a regular basis it can add a lot of stress to one's life and marriage. Sure I don't always respond the way I should, but living with that pressure is no good. Besides, it's not about me anyways.

Well, gotta run. I think I hear Emme starting to wake up.

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