What you need is...other people

At the ripe young age of 41, I find myself in the midst of seeking to discern God's next destination for my life and ministry.  This doesn't mean that I'm sitting on the couch each day in my pj's watching cheesy soap operas while waiting for the phone to ring or an email to appear that will whisk me away to my next destination.  Part of what makes each of us unique is that none of us are called by God to do the exact same thing, but all of us are called to do something.  Many of us - myself included - can spend a lot of time trying to figure out just what that something is.

There is no doubt in my mind that God gives each one of us a vision for what our future will contain.  Most vision begins with a burden that something should be different than what it currently is and it causes us to dream about the possibilities of what could be.  Andy Stanley, who is a pretty sharp dude in his own right, wrote in his book Visioneering,
"Dreamers dream about things being different. Visionaries envision themselves making a difference."
That's pretty heavy.  Just because you have a burden and desire to be involved in something that is bigger than you are doesn't mean that you will necessarily get there.  Many of us need a kick start from others to actually "get off the couch" and pursue the vision that God has given us (again, myself included).  One way to do this is to surround yourself with people who are willing and capable of investing themselves in your life for the express purpose of leading you to realize the actualization of your vision.  It can be pretty frustrating to unload your vision and passion for the future on someone who is not equipped or even interested in helping you get there.

I've been blessed to have many people over the years who have been there to walk alongside of me, encouraging me to engage in the pursuit of where my vision is taking me.  This doesn't mean that I am co-dependent or can't handle things on my own.  But let's face it, lone rangers don't last too long in the real world and the ones that do often find themselves isolated and without much influence beyond the  material.

The Old Testament book of Proverbs is loaded with scores of wisdom and advice to anyone who wants their life to matter for more than just the here and now.
  • Without guidance, people fall, but with many counselors there is deliverance. (11:14)
  • A fool's way is right in his own eyes, but whoever listens to counsel is wise. (12:15)
  • Arrogance leads to nothing but strife, but wisdom is gained by those who take advice. (13:10)
  • Plans fail when there is no counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. (15:22)
  • Anyone who ignores instruction despises himself, but whoever listens to correction acquires good sense. (15:32)
  • One who isolates himself pursues selfish desires; he rebels against all sound judgment. (18:1)
  • Victory comes with many counselors! (24:6)
I think you get the point.  We need others in our life who are unafraid to invest in us, rebuke us when we start to veer down the wrong path, and build us up where our gifts are most obvious.  Do you have one or more people who regularly speak truth and wisdom onto your life?  You don't have to find a Fortune 500 CEO or the slickest expert in his or her field, just someone who cares about you and where you are heading. 

But don't forget the most important aspect of all of this: Whether you walk with one person on your vision journey or many, the first hand you grab must be the hand of God.  He's the one who gives you vision and ultimately He's the only one that can help you see it through to fruition. 
A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps. (Proverbs 16:9)
Many plans are in a man's heart, but the Lord's decree will prevail. (Proverbs 19:21)

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