Jesus > Chuck Norris

If you put anyone else's name in front of Chuck Norris then there is a good chance you will suffer a painful ending to your life.  That's because Chuck Norris has counted to infinity...twice.  Chuck Norris can also do a wheelie on a unicycle and when the boogieman goes to sleep at night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.  Chuck Norris was once bit by a cobra and after 5 days of excruciating pain the cobra died.

If you've seen a Chuck Norris movie, then perhaps you've wondered to yourself why he doesn't just defeat terrorism once and for all right after he fixes the leak in the BP pipeline.  He's a bad man for sure and his fists often do his talking.  Yet Jesus is bigger, badder, and better.  Check this out.

Jesus just came out of the desert after 40 days without eating anything and then he kicked the devil squarely in the teeth.  Then He goes back to His hometown of Galilee, enters the synagogue on the Sabbath and holds out His hand for a scroll.  He reads from Isaiah 61:1-2:

     The Spirit of the Lord is on Me,
     because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor.
     He has sent Me to proclaim freedom to the captives
     and recovery of sight to the blind,
     to set free the oppressed,
     to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.

After reading this passage of Scripture, Jesus rolls the scroll back up, gives it back to the attendant, and sits down.  All eyes are on Him.  What's He going to say next?  Now is the time where rabbis would begin teaching on what they have read, instructing their disciples on what it all means.  This could go on for hours, but Jesus summed it up in one sentence for them.

"Today as you listen, this Scripture has been fulfilled."


Honestly, the whole image that we get of Jesus being meek and mild gets shattered somewhat with that bold statement.  "Hey Jewish leaders, that piece of Scripture from Isaiah that I just read, the one that speaks of the Messiah and His absolute awesomeness...that was about Me."  What comes next wasn't a flurry of flying fists and piles of dead bad guys.  Instead, the beginning of a ministry filled with rejection and hardship was underway.  But Jesus didn't back down from it.  Instead, He embraced what God had called Him to do and from the very beginning let it be known that He was going to be laying down the hammer everywhere He went.  The gospel was coming and things were about to get crazy.  Somewhere in the back of the room a shiver just went up Chuck Norris' spine.

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